windows authentication not working for me




I've added two user accounts to Project server, my Project server is in a
the domaind and these are domain account. It even filled out the
domain\username thing which I didn't put in originally for me, so it seems
to have found that. But, everytime I get a

You have entered an incorrect user name/password combination. (5002)

I can only logon as administrator. Under server configuration, the box for
windows integrated and Office users is checked, so it should use either one.

Is there a trick to getting this work that I've missed?

Thanks for your help


If the Project accounts are added as Windows Authentication, then you will
never enter the credentials on the Project Server logon page. You just click
the link to the left about logging on with your Windows account and it lets
you in. Actually, it should just take you in first.

Are you entering the credentials in an IE pop-up authentication dialog box
or on the PWA logon page?



Hi, I am using IE to test the accounts, I am using the url

I then get a web page asking for credentials, not a pop-up authentication.

It says Welcome to Microsoft Office Project Web Access 2003

Please long on.


This works for the Administrator account which is not a domain account, but
a Project Server account. Domain accounts do not work here.

Thanks for your help.


I'm having the same problem??...

Administrator and newly created useres (ProjectServer-Users) can log in on
the PWA logon page,, but not my domainuseres??

Can anyone help me?

Ross Andren

Hi Henrik/Billd

Using that URL, you will get to the Project Server Login web page. This page
has boxes for username and password. These can ONLY be used by those users
that have been set up as Project Server users. Any users set up with Windows
Authentication will need to click the blue link on the left hand of this
page marked 'Log on using your Microsoft Windows User Account'. This link
then requests their security information from their current computer and
passes it to Project Server to authenticate them. They will not need to put
in their username and password again. This is the beauty of using this
system - no new password/username, or the requirement to enter it! I do
think that the terminology is confusing however!

Hope this helps.


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