Windows Exporer Shell


Mike Archer

Hello - I need some code that will open a windows exporer window with an FTP
session started. I would like for the FTP folders to be in the explore pane
and the contents of a local folder (I:\) to be in the contents pane.

I have found documentation to shell a windows exporer window - but I'm not
sure I can start an FTP session with shell. Can something be added to this
to start an FTP session?:
Shell "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe I:\", vbNormalFocus

I have found documentation on starting an FTP session with wininet and but
not I'm not sure I can open a windows explorer window with wininet.

Is there a way to both at the same time?

Jake Marx

Hi Mike,

Does this get you closer to what you're looking to do? I'm not sure how you
could extend this to show different content in another pane of Explorer.
You may have to resort to API calls for something like that. If you want to
play around with this, you can set a reference to "Microsoft Shell Controls
and Automation" via Tools | References in the VBE.

Sub gBrowseFTPSite(rsUsername As String, _
rsPassword As String, rsURL As String)
Dim sh As Object

Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

sh.Explore "ftp://" & rsUsername & ":" & rsPassword & "@" & rsURL

Set sh = Nothing
End Sub


Jake Marx

[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]

Mike Archer

Jake - Thank you! That gets me closer. I will continue to research how to
specify a folder in the contents pane.

Thanks Again,

Jake Marx said:
Hi Mike,

Does this get you closer to what you're looking to do? I'm not sure how you
could extend this to show different content in another pane of Explorer.
You may have to resort to API calls for something like that. If you want to
play around with this, you can set a reference to "Microsoft Shell Controls
and Automation" via Tools | References in the VBE.

Sub gBrowseFTPSite(rsUsername As String, _
rsPassword As String, rsURL As String)
Dim sh As Object

Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

sh.Explore "ftp://" & rsUsername & ":" & rsPassword & "@" & rsURL

Set sh = Nothing
End Sub


Jake Marx

[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]

Mike said:
Hello - I need some code that will open a windows exporer window with
an FTP session started. I would like for the FTP folders to be in
the explore pane and the contents of a local folder (I:\) to be in
the contents pane.

I have found documentation to shell a windows exporer window - but
I'm not sure I can start an FTP session with shell. Can something be
added to this to start an FTP session?:
Shell "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe I:\", vbNormalFocus

I have found documentation on starting an FTP session with wininet
and but not I'm not sure I can open a windows explorer window with

Is there a way to both at the same time?

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