Windows Installer CleanUp Utility


Peter Dempewolff

I am having a problem getting 2003 updates to run without failing. Thanks to
info from Susan Ramlet I went to KB304498, method 7 seems to be the issue, so
I went to KB290301: Windows Installer CleanUp Utility (msicuu2.exe). After
reading, I tried downloading to my desktop and running from there: I got the
error below. I running the program from the link: same thing.

startmsi.vbs could not be found
line: 2
char: 1
code: 8007007E

Any help would be appreciated,


Peter Dempewolff

I found an older version of the utility that worked (msiccu.exe)
after running that successfully, I tried installing the update KB923088
again (Excell 2003 security) It's still failing. It takes about 10 minutes to
initiallize the install. It gets about 50% done then fails.

Any more ideas?

Susan Ramlet

Hi, Peter,

Peter Foldes has posted some information that has been useful if other
methods fail:

1st Rename Office subkeys

Note: Removing the following registry keys may reset customized user
settings for your Microsoft Office programs.

1. Close all the applications.
2. Click on Start->Run, type in REGEDIT and click on OK.
3. Locate and select the following registry subkeys:


4. Right click on 11.0 and rename them to Old11.
5. Close the Registry Editor.

2nd. Detect and Repair Office 2003

1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start, point to and click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3. Click Change/Remove Programs on the left pane.
4. Highlight Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 on the right pane
and click Change.
5. Insert the correct version of CD when it requires.
6. Select "Reinstall and Repair" and click Next.
7. Select "Detect and Repair errors in my Office installation".
8. Click Install and wait the process to end.

3rd. Install the Updates

Peter Dempewolff

Thanks Susan

I actually tried that as well with no luck.......

The GOOD new is: I was able to fix the problem last night.

In my particular case, It was the antivirus software (NOD32). I had to
completely uninstall it, run the updates, then reinstall it.

Before this I had disabled the antivirus software (as well as all other mem
res software), and even in safe mode it was disabled (as well as most other
services) and the updates would not load.

I also had Followed most of the suggestions from you as well as other MS

Thanks for your input; I learned alot.

Problem resolved!!! yeah!!!!!



Peter said:
I am having a problem getting 2003 updates to run without failing. Thanks to
info from Susan Ramlet I went to KB304498, method 7 seems to be the issue, so
I went to KB290301: Windows Installer CleanUp Utility (msicuu2.exe). After
reading, I tried downloading to my desktop and running from there: I got the
error below. I running the program from the link: same thing.

startmsi.vbs could not be found
line: 2
char: 1
code: 8007007E

Any help would be appreciated,



Susan said:
Awesome! Thanks for posting back with what worked.


Susan Ramlet
MVP - Office

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