Windows Media Player problem.



Need some help from the pros!

I have inserted Windows Media Player into one of the pages of my website. I
imported the .wav file and went through the steps for ActiveX and selected
Windows Media Player. I am able to play the file on my development computer,
even after closing FrontPage, but I am unable to play the file on other
computers. The other computers are fully up-to-date with Windows XP Pro, but
the Windows Media player does not play this file -- I use Internet Explorer,
current version, on all computers. But, like I mentioned, it plays on the
development computer but not on the other computers.

I removed Auto Start, but that didn't help.

I've drawn a blank... what am I missing?

Your help is needed and would be greatly appreciated.


Thomas A. Rowe

Can you provide the URL to the page with your media player?

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Thomas A. Rowe

I see a number of issues:

1. Make sure you always have a web / site open in FP prior to working on your content.

2. All content must be created in or imported into the current open FP site / web.

3. Remove all spaces and any other special characters from Folder and File names.

4. It appears that you did not import the videos into your current open site / web since the URL
points back to your local HD.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage



First of all, thanks.

It looks like I have quite a "laundry list" of things to address. Obviously
I didn't do some things as I should have. Thus, I guess, that is why it
plays on my development system and not on the other computers? Hopefully I
understand, and can follow, "exactly," what you've suggested?!

I sincerely thank you for your time, analysis and direction -- solution to
my dilemma.



After reviewing the steps that I originally took, I found that I made one
bad assumption, that being that FrontPage would generate the link, in that I
did "Import" the file. In fact, I had even removed Auto Start and reduced
the size of the player, etc. As a result of your comments, all I had to do
was the one thing... correct my bad assumption! Thanks...

Thomas A. Rowe

Great to hear that you having it working, but also don't forget to do #3 below!!

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage



Thanks once again,

Thomas A. Rowe said:
Great to hear that you having it working, but also don't forget to do #3 below!!

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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