Windows Media Player



I am trying to put a video into my web site. I have the video on my computer as a Windows Media Player file. I want to place a picture on a web page that when you click on the picture it opens the media player seperatly from the web page so you are able to control the video through the media player. I also want to have two text lines under the photo that will link them to the video. One line of the text will be for a high resolution video and the other a lower resolution video (same video different resolution). So far I have only been able to figure out how to put the video on the page but it has no controls. Can anybody help with some good descriptive instructions or point me to where they are in the Help File


chris leeds

just put your picture and text on the page where you want them.
set the picture as a hyperlink to the file you'll create. do you want
windows media player on a page or do you want your file to open in the
visitor's media player without any web page?
here is a plug in for putting the media player on the page:

alternately you can make an m3u file (just a plain text file with a ref to
your media as a hyperlink, set the link target to _blank. you may have to
google for an m3u example.


Cannan said:
I am trying to put a video into my web site. I have the video on my
computer as a Windows Media Player file. I want to place a picture on a web
page that when you click on the picture it opens the media player seperatly
from the web page so you are able to control the video through the media
player. I also want to have two text lines under the photo that will link
them to the video. One line of the text will be for a high resolution video
and the other a lower resolution video (same video different resolution).
So far I have only been able to figure out how to put the video on the page
but it has no controls. Can anybody help with some good descriptive
instructions or point me to where they are in the Help File.


Everything works except I can't get the video to play from the web site. After I put the picture and text on the page I made a hpyerlink to the actual video which is on my C drive. Now when I click on the picture I get HE's web page saying that nothing found for this link.

Thomas A. Rowe

You need to import the video into your current open FP web, then link to it,
then make sure it is publish with the rest of your web content to the remote


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

cannan said:
Everything works except I can't get the video to play from the web site.
After I put the picture and text on the page I made a hpyerlink to the
actual video which is on my C drive. Now when I click on the picture I get
HE's web page saying that nothing found for this link.

Andrew Murray

just type in whatever the full URL will be (never mind the 'relative' path), type
in the full url to the movie file.
cannan said:
Everything works except I can't get the video to play from the web site. After
I put the picture and text on the page I made a hpyerlink to the actual video
which is on my C drive. Now when I click on the picture I get HE's web page
saying that nothing found for this link.

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