Windows NT Authentication in PWA



I am having trouble setting up PWA users using Windows Authentication. When
creating the account, I use the format of DOMAIN\username in the Windows User
Account field. The user saves without error.

When I attempt to login, I get a message that I've entered an incorrect
username/password combination.

Setting up users with Project Server Auth is no problem. The only thing
meaningful that comes to mind is that during the SPS install I could only
'Set Configuration Database Server' using SQL authentication (Win Auth did
not work).

I have not tried much of anything so even basic suggestions are appreciated.


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Windows logons to Project Server are automatic. If you're getting the
Project Server logon page, either the user's permissions to logon to Project
Server haven't been properly established, or you're simply entering the
incorrect URL. With windows auth, your URL should be
http://servername/projectserver with nothing added to the end of the URL.


Hi Gary,

Thanks for your reply. If I point my browser to
http://servername/projectserver, a PWA logon page appears and /lgnsp.asp is
appended to my url. I established an Admin account that uses Project Server
authentication. I can login with this account and I use it to add other
users by going to the Admin link - Manage Users and Groups. I've added a
user (myself) that I set to use Windows Auth. I set all templates for myself
to Admin levels.

If I point my browser to the servername\projectserver url and try to use the
user id I set for myself it doesn't accept it.

Are you saying that when I browse to PWA it should go straight to the PWA
home page and skip this credential screen?

You mention user's permissions not correctly set as a possible cause. Is
there somewhere else I should look other than the Admin - Manage Users and
Groups to check for proper permissions?

I looked under Admin - Manage Security and the Authentication method is set
to mixed.

This must be something simple...

Thanks again for your willingness to help.

Brian Teddlie


I found my problem...

I went to IIS - Default Web Page - Properties - Directory Security - Auth &
Access Ctrl. I unchecked 'enable anonymous access'.

When I browse to my PWA URL it goes right in to the home page.

Brian Teddlie

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