WindowsXp will not close unless I close OfficeXp



Hi, when I shutdown / restart my system, I receive an error message advising
me to "Please close all Microsoft Office applications before shuttind down
the system".
FYI, I have a Dell system with 1G RAM, WindowsXp Pro and I have set up my
system that when I start up Windows, the Office ToolBar and Outlook open so I
am not sure which OfficeXp program this error message refers?
I would appreciate if someone could please advise me what settings I need
to change to stop WindowsXp requiring that I close Office programs before the
system shutsdown?


Thanks for your help garfield-n-odie, the article describes how to END the
session and restart the computer. I know how to do this, what I am looking
for is how to PERMANTELY stop this from occurring. Thanks, Bob


Thanks for your help garfield-n-odie, the article describes how to END the
session and restart the computer. I know how to do this, what I am looking
for is how to PERMANTELY stop this from occurring. Thanks, Bob


Thanks for your help garfield-n-odie, the article describes how to END the
session and restart the computer. I know how to do this, what I am looking
for is how to PERMANTELY stop this from occurring. Thanks, Bob


Thanks for your help garfield-n-odie, the article describes how to END the
session and restart the computer. I know how to do this, what I am looking
for is how to PERMANTELY stop this from occurring. Thanks, Bob


Thanks for your help garfield-n-odie, the article describes how to END the
session and restart the computer. I know how to do this, what I am looking
for is how to PERMANTELY stop this from occurring. Thanks, Bob


Thanks for your help garfield-n-odie, the article describes how to END the
session and restart the computer. I know how to do this, what I am looking
for is how to PERMANTELY stop this from occurring. Thanks, Bob


Thanks for your help garfield-n-odie, the article describes how to END the
session and restart the computer. I know how to do this, what I am looking
for is how to PERMANTELY stop this from occurring. Thanks, Bob


Thanks for your help garfield-n-odie, the article describes how to END the
session and restart the computer. I know how to do this, what I am looking
for is how to PERMANTELY stop this from occurring. Thanks, Bob


Thanks for your help garfield-n-odie, the article describes how to END the
session and restart the computer. I know how to do this, what I am looking
for is how to PERMANTELY stop this from occurring. Thanks, Bob

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