Winfax interferes with Word document (Repost)



Repost from "General Questions"

I have a question that is actually for someone else so
forgive me if I can't offer enough informaton. I can try
to get more if need be.
He says Winfax "would not allow me to access any of my
Word documents". When he uninstalled Winfax, Word worked
fine. But now he doesn't have Winfax.
Can anyone help steer us in the right direction?

Peter Jamieson

Was the problem that if he double-clicked on .doc files in Windows Explorer,
nothing happened or the .doc files opened in something other than Word? Did
the .doc files open ifhe opened Word first then used File|Open?

Which version of Windows, Word, Winfax?


Thanks for responding.

Windows XP, Word 2000.

I am still waiting on what version of WinFax and more
info, could be tomorrow.
I will get back.


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