Gene Goldenfeld
During the reinstallation of WinFax Pro 10.02, I get an error message
about the printer spooler needing to be turned off. After doing that,
the installation completed (I also downloaded the macro linked at
Suzanne's MVP site and that installed). Before the installation step,
Word showed an error message on opening, which I think was “Compile
Error in Hidden Module.” After completing the install that went away.
Now, every time I close Word there is a prompt to save Normal.dot, even
though there haven't been any changes. Looking in the Word Startup
folder, the only files are WordToys.dot and its temp file. Where do I
go from here to solve the Normal.dot problem? I'm using XP/SP2.
about the printer spooler needing to be turned off. After doing that,
the installation completed (I also downloaded the macro linked at
Suzanne's MVP site and that installed). Before the installation step,
Word showed an error message on opening, which I think was “Compile
Error in Hidden Module.” After completing the install that went away.
Now, every time I close Word there is a prompt to save Normal.dot, even
though there haven't been any changes. Looking in the Word Startup
folder, the only files are WordToys.dot and its temp file. Where do I
go from here to solve the Normal.dot problem? I'm using XP/SP2.