wininet & FTP to Mainframe (zOS)



Hi, I have an FTP stream partially working using wininet.dll. There are a
series of examples that I even have followed . [I'm doing this in VBA of
Excel, office 2003] The problem is that I can log in, upload and logout,
but ftpCommand does not appear to function with zOS the way I would expect.
I cannot get a FB file allocated on the host (trying to upload to a GDG). I
do get a response back (using InternetGetLastResponseInfo function call to
wininet dll) and I am getting what looks like a good response by putting in a
"site" commend as the string in the ftpCommand function. But the system
seems to hang and I then appear to be logged out by the time the VB code
reaches the put command (even though it appears that using the function call
"InternetGetLastResponseInfo" I am getting a response that at least some of
the characteristics are working")

Is it a possibility that I have to run things asynchronously? Or that I
really can't do a "SITE RECFM=FB, LRECL=145" with zOS? Has anyone ever gotten
something like this to work recently? I Can post code on request.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

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