WinInet or Inet FTP Progress Bar


Mens Militis

I am designing a program with MS Access and it needs to be able to
upload/download files using FTP and display a progress meter. I tried using
the Inet control and found out that there wasn't any way to set up a progress
bar with it, so I decided to use WinInet.

With WinInet, i have been able to do all the necessary functions,
connection, uploading, downloading, etc... but I can't figure out how to make
a progress bar for it either.

If there is a way to get either the WinInet API functions or Inet Control to
work with a upload/download progress bar I reeeeeeally need to know how to do

If anybody has any ideas I would greatly appreciate any help offered.

Steve Rindsberg

Mens Militis said:
Someone Pleaaaaase Heeeeeelp!!!!!!!!!!!

It might be more efficient to post in a group that has to do with WinINET et al.
The connection to Office is tenous at best.

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