


Sending mail from Outlook 2003 with Exchange 2003 and
frequently the attached Word documents gets sent out
as 'winmail.dat' other times the Word doc goes AND a
winmail.dat also is attached and yet other times the
attached Word Doc is sent without issue. Confused since
it is not on every EMail with attachment and happens from
several different client PC's (XP Pro, Office Pro 2003,
SBS 2003--exchange2003)

Robert Crayk

The usual cause for a winmail.dat attachment is when the recipient is using
a mail client that is not Outlook and the email is sent in Outlook Rich Text
format, see if changing the mail format to Plain or HTML helps.


This was set to HTML and tried Plain Text but same problem-
-The 'winmail.dat' is the attachment originally sent--
e.g.: wordfile.doc or spreadsheet.xls
end up being received as winmail.dat--message text is in
tact and fine but the attachment is being renamed--in the
sent items folder it shows up as wordfile.doc but on
recepient end it is changed to 'winfile.dat'


I've also seen the same, regardless of what format you send, the receiver
might get winmail.dat. This has happened with plain text, html, rich text.
I've also checked the contact information and set this to i.e. plain text
only. I'm not using word as e-mail editor (though I've tried this too)

All our users have XP pro and Outlook 2003, I have said this earlier, but I
must repeat; we did NOT see this problem in Outlook 2000, we then sent in
both rich text and html format and had nice signatures with logos etc. Now
we are using plain text only as this seems to be the least winmail.dat
causing problem. This is surely not progress.

What happened ? And don't blame the receiver for don't having an MS product,
cause this problem is relevant when you are out of office and read mail via
internet too (web browser IE)

Another bug that is consistent is this: insert an attachement via the menu
(insert/file) and we allways get winmail.dat attacehments, if we instead
drag n drop it might work.

This is a serious problem. We never know if the receiver is able to read the
attachement or not. If the receiver gets one mail from us with winmail.dat
and one mail that works from i.e. a competitor...guess who is more likely to
get chosen ? We don't want to bother our clients with our e-mail problems.


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