I've been fudging around with this for most of the day
trying to make heads or tails of it. I did find a way to
get Office to open and to test for what the problem might
be. Try looking at this page:
I've been following the instructions, especially the part
about adding the "/a" in the command line window, and that
has helped me narrow down the problem to an add-in from
Adobe called PDFMaker.dot. That file is the culprit of my
problems and I'm looking for a solution now. But at least
now I know where it's coming from! Good luck to you all.
trying to make heads or tails of it. I did find a way to
get Office to open and to test for what the problem might
be. Try looking at this page:
I've been following the instructions, especially the part
about adding the "/a" in the command line window, and that
has helped me narrow down the problem to an add-in from
Adobe called PDFMaker.dot. That file is the culprit of my
problems and I'm looking for a solution now. But at least
now I know where it's coming from! Good luck to you all.