Searching via groups I found this bit of info and fix
which seems to match your symptoms
We are seeing a problem with users trying to open Office files from
their network drives. The response is very slow. We had the same
problem a few years ago. The fix was to add "%1" in the file type
action (ex: c:\msoffice\excel\excel.exe "%1"). The same thing started
to happen again and the fix works, but we want to know why this is
What is this fix doing. Where does the problem really lie. Because it
Office worked fine without it for about a year. Then all of a sudden
we have to add the "%1". Does anyone know why!!
and this
What was really happening was:
Excel is trying to open a file with a long filename with spaces in it, and
splits the filename at each space and tries to open each part separately.
EG: Filename is My Long Filename.xls
Excel tries to open My.xls, then Long.xls and finally Filename.xls so it
takes a long time browsing for the files an usually fails to open a file.
No error message of any kind is given.
To fix this (I found the answer in the Microsoft Knowledge Base back for win
95), Go
to the file type having the Problem... Start Explorer, click on Tools
/ Folder Options / File Types, select the file type in question(xls or doc
etc), click on
Edit(advanced for win xp), click on Open to highlight it, Under Actions
click on Edit (for the Open). You should have the
command which is issued to launch an application.
It probably looks like:
c:\someplace\someprog.exe %1
c:\someplace\someprog.exe /e
Change the line to say
c:\someplace\someprog.exe "%1"
c:\someplace\someprog.exe /e "%1"