Winword.exe Faulting Module MSCTF.DLL Help



A user has been trying to print via terminal services to Microsoft

We have been recieiving the following error messgae within the event


Faulting application windword.exe, version 11.08169.0,stamp 456f2a40,
faulting module msctf.dll,version 5.2.3790.1830, stamp 4243780c,
0, fault address 0x00026f51


I have searched the microsoft forums for a fix for this but cannot
find anything,

We are running Windows Server 2003 x64 SP2
Printing through terminal services

I would really appreicate some help or advice,

Thanks Sam

Clive Huggan

Hello Sam,

You've landed in a discussion group for users of Mac versions of Word. Given
the differences in installation procedures and OS, you need to ask in a PC
newsgroup. Here's where all the groups are listed:


Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is 5-11 hours different from the Americas and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)

JE McGimpsey

Sambo said:
I would really appreicate some help or advice,

Since this is a newsgroup dealing with Word for Macintosh (hence the
..mac. in the newsgroup name), my advice would be to post in a different
group, perhaps


However, some of the users here may have some experience/insight...

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