Winword has caused an invalid page fault in mso9.dll



After using MSWord heavily, in successive versions, for
years (the most current being 2000), on my SOHO machine,
suddenly, out of the blue, about 6 months ago, when I
attempted to copy/cut and paste more than one different
block of text, I began getting the following error message:

"Winword has caused an invalid page fault in mso9.dll"

And then there's a lo-o-o-ng string of memory registers
that are too lengthy to repeat here

The error-induced crashes mess with the file,
creating error files.

I can clean out the error and temp files and, after a
CLTR+ALT+DEL closing of Word, and restart Word, which will
then work fine until the next time I attempt to
cut/copy/paste more than one different block of text,
whereupon, inevitably I'll get the same error message.

In accordance with one advisory, I've deleted the file several times now, to no avail. Deleting
the seems to have no effect on the, now
inevitable, reoccurrence of the error.

I've been after a solution to this problem now for well
over 6 months, and have determined that the copy/cut and
paste command is the only command that causes the error.
Otherwise, I can work my numerous Word files without a

I can copy/cut and paste as much ASCII text into Word as I
want, without a hitch.

In fact, that's my current work-around: Copy/cut text from
a Word doc, paste it into an ASCII text editor, such as
NotePad, and copy/cut and paste the ASCII text back into
Word, which works, without a hitch.

I can insert multiple images into a Word doc, with no

I can even copy/cut and paste text in and out of Word Art,
without a problem.

I simply cannot copy/cut and paste different blocks of
text, from the body of a Word doc, regardless of the font,
after the first attempt, without incurring this mso9.dll

I can save the doc, exit Word, relaunch Word/the doc, and
copy/cut and paste once only, without incurring this
mso9.dll error.

Anyone know what the heck is going on here?

Could this have anything to do with a recent upgrade to
Norton System Works 2003?

Symantec KB has been of no use, unless one enjoys being
run around endlessly. Contrary to many, I've been
generally pleased with the versions of NSW I've used to
date, except for Symantec Support, which seems to be
primarily CYA-oriented.

Oddly, it had been over a month since I upgraded to NSW
2003, and the mso9.dll errors just seemed to start, out of
the blue.

Incidentally, NAV 2003, a component of NSW 2003, did
conflict with some features in a critical AutoCAD .dll
launch file, which I was able to restore, rather quickly,
by downloading an update, from AutoDesk's KB site.

I've not been as fortunate with this thoroughly annoying
mso9.dll error.

I've researched this at several sites online, including
MSKB, and Symantec KB, with no resolution in sight.

I've reinstalled MSO 2000, and I've applied all the
current updates and Service Packs available for MSO 2000.

I've also applied all the current updates and Service
Packs available for W98SE.

I do not have this Word 2000 problem on a W2000Pro machine
that I use at work.

One suggestion I've read is that W98SE's limited "64k
resource pools" may be the problem?

With all the memory registers the error reports, it does
seem that, perhaps, this error may have something to do
with a memory address problem; that something, possibly
Norton, is accessing memory addresses typically reserved
for Winword, and thus, a conflict?

Any thoughts? Suggestions?


P.S. SOHO machine is a 3-year-old Dell PIII/800, w/ 128mb
RAM, 32mb video, which, other than the current mso9.dll
error, runs great!

Lisa Penshorn [MSFT]

Hi Tia,

Sorry to hear you have had so many problems. The first thing that comes to mind to me when reading your issue is that the
printer driver you are using could be corrupted . Try installing a different printer driver such as a HP Laser Jet 4 and set it as
the default. Then open Word and try copying and pasting. Do you still get the same error message?

Let me know the results!


Lisa Penshorn, MCSE

Microsoft Technical Support for Business Applications


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