WinWord locks up when connecting to Office Online



Recently I had to rebuild my system, and I now have a problem with WinWord
2003 that I didn’t have before.

When I go to insert a piece of clipart it doesn’t show me many choices. I
seem to recall that on my previous system when I would search for “hatâ€
WinWord would present me with dozens of choices, now I only get 2 or so.
Those two look like they’re on my hard drive, I don’t think that I’m seeing
any online files. Although I use Firefox as my default browser, I’ve checked
IE and cleared its cache, even set it as the default browser, but I get the
same sparse results.

Another problem, probably related, when the clipart sidebar window opens, at
the top there are 3 small icons, a left arrow, right arrow, and small house
for Office online. When I click on the house a few submenu items appear,
first is “Connect to Microsoft Online.†When I click on that (or either of
the two other links) IE6 opens a new browser window, which stays blank and
does NOT connect to the MSOffice online site, and here’s the odd part, the
keyboard no longer works in WinWord! By that I mean I can’t type, the cursor
doesn’t move, and I can pound on the keyboard all I want but no typing
happens. However the mouse still works.

If I close Word and reopen it, the keyboard is still locked out. Only after
I close IE6 does WinWord function again.

I think this is more a problem with IE than with Word. My guess is that if
I can get WinWord to use only Firefox for all its internet functions and
connections it would work fine, but I can’t figure out how to do that.

Any ideas on how to either get IE6 to work with WinWord, or how to get
WinWord to ignore IE6 and work exclusively with Firefox?

Terry Farrell

Open Control Panel, Internet options and select the Programs Tab Make sure
that IE is set as the default connector. Then open IE and make sure it is
connecting tot he Internet correctly.


IE is set as the default browser. It seems to connect and function well,
except when launched from WinWord links.

From WinWord a browser does open, but it's blank. There is no address in the
address bar. If I click on homepage or a favorite it does go to the correct


It should actually open a browser Window but the Task Pane should become a
live connection to the Internet. I suggest that you run Detect and Repair
option under the Help menu.


Problem solved!

It seemed odd that IE would work fine except when invoked through Winword,
so I checked my Firewall (Zone Alarm) and sure enough, permission for Word
was disabled. I granted WinWord net access and problem solved.

Thank you for youor help.


Well that's good to know. thanks.


ooman said:
Problem solved!

It seemed odd that IE would work fine except when invoked through Winword,
so I checked my Firewall (Zone Alarm) and sure enough, permission for Word
was disabled. I granted WinWord net access and problem solved.

Thank you for youor help.

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