Wish List for Word



I'm not sure where to post this or send this, or even if there are solutions
I'm not aware of, but I thought I'd post it here and see if anyone knows
anything about these issues or in hopes that this might somehow get back to
Microsoft as suggestions for future updates. There are features I wish Word
had (or wish I knew how to do them in Word):

Issue #1...
Allow repeating text when a page break interrupts a paragraph, table or
defined section (other than a header or footer).

Example #1: I recently was doing some work where I had tables that were
interrupted by page breaks, but other than inserting blank lines and entering
the table heading manually, there was no way to automatically repeat the
contents of a side column (containing the table topic) across a page break.
This can only be done with header *rows*. I wish there was a way to do this
with the contents of a column too. This may sound illogical, but in this case
the layout had the left-hand column (spanning all rows of the table) showing
the topic of the table, with the content and details in right-hand columns
and cells. Believe me, it made sense and was an interesting and creative way
to display the information, but was awkward when a page break interrupted the
table. There would have been too much blank space if I had just started the
table on the next page, and there were many tables like this in the document.

Example #2: I often like to have a sub-heading that uses a word, phrase or
line to indicate a sub-section's topic. This might be at the start of a
paragraph (like "Example #2" is used here) or a separate line followed by one
or more paragraphs. I wish there was a way to have this word, phrase or line
repeat if that section extends onto the next page. In the same way as with
the tables in Example #1, it would help to be able to be clear about which
section or topic is being continued on the next page. As far as I know, there
is no way to continue something on a page change other than using a header.
In this case, either it wouldn't make sense visually or the Header is already
being used for something else (e.g., a chapter title) or else it's just an
in-line phrase that I would like to repeat or have a derivative of it repeat
(e.g., "Example #2 continued:").

Issue #2...
I wish there was a more straightforward way to handle Headers of different
defined sections in a document. I have struggled with trying to set up
different headers for different sections, but I have found it VERY confusing
and often very arduous to set up. Often when I insert a new Header or Footer,
it changes previous Headers/Footers and I have to go back and change them
back. I have tried clicking or unclicking the "Same as previous" button, but
I find this doesn't always behave as expected or predictably...or even
logically! It seems to be a confusing and messy way to do something that
should be able to be more straightforward. For example, have a button that
says "Begin new header here." Or "Use previous header" which is kind of
there, but if I say "yes" it erases the previous header! I struggle with it
and manage to get it doing what I want, but if I sneeze or look at it the
wrong way, it can throw it all out again. It's infuriating! I get the feeling
that the Headers/Footers feature is a mishmash of different features that
have been added over the years but no one has gone in and reorganised it all
so that it fits together as a whole; instead it's a bunch of features strung
together that don't always like to play nice together.

- - -

I guess that's it for now. There was something else I'd struggled with
recently but can't remember what it was. I'll post again if I remember it.
I'm sure I'll come across it again. ;-)



Jo said:
I'm not sure where to post this or send this, or even if there are
solutions I'm not aware of, but I thought I'd post it here and see if
anyone knows anything about these issues or in hopes that this might
somehow get back to Microsoft as suggestions for future updates. There are
features I wish Word had (or wish I knew how to do them in Word):

You only have TWO issues with Word?

That has to be a record.


Jonathan said:
You only have TWO issues with Word?

That has to be a record.

LOL Well, remember I said "That's about it for now..." ;-) I have other
issues, I just can't remember them right now. Like the man says, "I'll be
back." ;-)



Thanks Suzanne! I did see references to StyleRef when I was battling the
issue recently, but couldn't figure out how to make it work right. I was
under a tight deadline and didn't have the time to fiddle with it. I'll check
it out more thoroughly now while I have the time. Thanks for the reminder.
And that's good to hear Word 12 may be revamping the Headers/Footers access!


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