Wish to have weekday name together with the date




Using outlook 2003 SP2.

In the calender I would be glad if it is possible that outlook showed the
weekday name together with the date.
In the month view the names is shown, but I mis the names in the week view
and day view.

Anyone know how?



Ebbe said:

Using outlook 2003 SP2.

In the calender I would be glad if it is possible that outlook showed the
weekday name together with the date.
In the month view the names is shown, but I mis the names in the week view
and day view.

Anyone know how?


If you'd searched this group, (particularly easy with OE) there was a post
from me on 24 May on exactly this question. In regional settings, in Control
Panel, change the date format to dddd-mmmm-yyyy


Hi Gordon

I'm sorry, I didn't mention I have tried the proposals from 24/5 but they
doesn't work.

I thought that mi problem was something else because the long date format
included the Year and the calendar views only shows day of month and month
name fx. '29. may' for the day to day.

Every time I try to introduce the letter 'd' in the format string, I receive
an error telling me, that I use a incorrect letter.
Perhaps I have to use an other letter in my Danish version of Windows, in
fact our year-letter is 'å' instead of 'y'.
Where can I find the Danish formatting letters (I have tried to press F1 as
my first guess, but have no lock)


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