With Bill's help why can't he develop scrambling device for IED's

  • Thread starter Richard Stephens,rstephens
  • Start date

Richard Stephens,rstephens

The world could use Bill's help and knowledge of the computer industry, to
invent a way to scramble the IED's the terriost's are using against world
peace. I have some ideas for this, but only with help from Bill and the
computer world will it happen. This device would be simular to a GPS hand
held device. If a device like this were used to scramble or to block phone
signals or radio signals that are used to activate IED's were in place and
used, to perodicly interupt the signle or to preactivate IED's, or to prevent
them from activating, it would be the most useful weapon ever against
terriost actilvity. This device could be so easly manfactured and utalized
by the military. This device could possibly be the most useful device against
terriost activity. Like any other weapon it would have to be regulated by
persons of the highest responsibility. With serial numbers these devices
could be easily be deactivated if lost or stolen.

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