Well, I'm stumped again and in need of serious assistance.
I'm building an Excel add-in for creating project plans, which then are
exported to MS-Project for tracking. But I need to have the resource list
in an Excel worksheet before the plan can be built. And that's where I'm in
trouble. The rest of the add-in actually works, including the piece that
exports the plan to MS-Project (2003). But I'm stuck on the part that
automates the retrieval of the resource list from Project.
The code below shows how far I've been able to get on my own. It actually
works, every second time that it runs, and it fails every second time that
it runs. I get a message that the application server doesn't exist or is
not available. But I can't figure out what's going on, and the available
documentation is, well, excessively challenging for me (read that as I don't
know Project's object model and I can't find readable documentation). Can
somebody here straighten me out? I would be entirely grateful
Sub GetResourceList()
Dim objMSProject As MSProject.Application
Dim R As Resources
Dim curPath As String
Dim fileToOpen As Variant
Dim thisExcel As Excel.Application
Dim Temp As Long
Dim Names As String
Dim rSheet As Worksheet
curPath = CurDir
fileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Microsoft Project Files
(*.mpp), *.mpp")
If fileToOpen <> False Then
Set thisExcel = Excel.Application
Set objMSProject = New MSProject.Application
objMSProject.Visible = True
objMSProject.FileOpen Name:=fileToOpen
Set R = ActiveProject.Resources
For Temp = 1 To R.Count
Names = R(Temp).Name & ", " & Names
Next Temp
Names = Left$(Names, Len(Names) - Len(ListSeparator & " "))
End If
objMSProject.DisplayAlerts = False
'objMSProject.FileCloseAll pjDoNotSave
'FileExit pjDoNotSave
Quit savechanges:=pjDoNotSave
'objMSProject.Quit pjDoNotSave
Set objMSProject = Nothing
thisExcel.Visible = True
ChDir curPath
MsgBox Names
End Sub
I'm building an Excel add-in for creating project plans, which then are
exported to MS-Project for tracking. But I need to have the resource list
in an Excel worksheet before the plan can be built. And that's where I'm in
trouble. The rest of the add-in actually works, including the piece that
exports the plan to MS-Project (2003). But I'm stuck on the part that
automates the retrieval of the resource list from Project.
The code below shows how far I've been able to get on my own. It actually
works, every second time that it runs, and it fails every second time that
it runs. I get a message that the application server doesn't exist or is
not available. But I can't figure out what's going on, and the available
documentation is, well, excessively challenging for me (read that as I don't
know Project's object model and I can't find readable documentation). Can
somebody here straighten me out? I would be entirely grateful
Sub GetResourceList()
Dim objMSProject As MSProject.Application
Dim R As Resources
Dim curPath As String
Dim fileToOpen As Variant
Dim thisExcel As Excel.Application
Dim Temp As Long
Dim Names As String
Dim rSheet As Worksheet
curPath = CurDir
fileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Microsoft Project Files
(*.mpp), *.mpp")
If fileToOpen <> False Then
Set thisExcel = Excel.Application
Set objMSProject = New MSProject.Application
objMSProject.Visible = True
objMSProject.FileOpen Name:=fileToOpen
Set R = ActiveProject.Resources
For Temp = 1 To R.Count
Names = R(Temp).Name & ", " & Names
Next Temp
Names = Left$(Names, Len(Names) - Len(ListSeparator & " "))
End If
objMSProject.DisplayAlerts = False
'objMSProject.FileCloseAll pjDoNotSave
'FileExit pjDoNotSave
Quit savechanges:=pjDoNotSave
'objMSProject.Quit pjDoNotSave
Set objMSProject = Nothing
thisExcel.Visible = True
ChDir curPath
MsgBox Names
End Sub