WMV Files




I'm just installing my new Mac and one of the things I want to do is to
take the output from transferring my many old videos to DVD and make
DVD programmes out of them. I expect this will take me a while to
figure out as these things are rarely easy.

I'm already confused because when I installed Office, one of the
options was "Windows Media Player" which, it said, would allow me to
play WMV files on my Mac. When I checked the file formats for Final
Cut Express, it said it would accept all file formats that Quick Time
does. So I checked Quick Time and it said that among the "common"
formats it shared with Windows was WMV. Thinking that this might be
the way to go because there are doubtless more conversion utilities
available for Windows than MacOS I rummaged around in my key drive and
found a small WMV file. Which didn't load.

So, is there something wrong with my installation? Wer MS lying?! Any
ideas gratefully received!




For starters, try this site: http://www.flip4mac.com/

Windows Media Player is no longer being updated by Microsoft. They actually
list the flip4mac product on their website now. It has a free plugin that
will allow you to view or a for-charge version that will allow you to save,
edit, etc.--just like you can with Quicktime. This plugin allows you to
view the video directly in Quicktime.

Good luck,

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