WMV Not playing upon return in Kiosk



Help. We have a touch screen kiosk set up and on the first slide, there is a
movie that plays in the top 3/4. When you launch the slide show, it plays
just fine, but if you progress further into the show and then return back to
that slide, the movie doesn't play. Any way to force it to start playing

FYI, I set up with rewind on exit, it is set to play automaticly


Echo S,

Thanks. That will fix my problem. Now I'll rant about how stupid it is that
PP returns to the end point of a slide and not the beginning and how much
better Keynote is as a presentation software. But we all knew that already
now didn't we...

Austin Myers

Dave said:
Echo S,

Thanks. That will fix my problem. Now I'll rant about how stupid it is
PP returns to the end point of a slide and not the beginning

Oh, I don't know. If I am giving a business presentation (Which is what PPT
was designed for) and have to visit a slide a number of times my audience
doesn't really want to sit through a movie or a ton of animations every
time. It really comes down to who is using the product and how they use it.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCPro, PFCMedia and PFCExpress

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