In sheet2 there is raw data spanning F2:CQ8359.
In sheet1 are the key ranges (no range named). A2:A8359 (exact order) and
B2:F8359 (concatenations of exact order - less exact order)
i.e. if A2 = ABC then B2:F2 = ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA repectfully.
I need to display in sheet1 G6:CV8359 any cells in sheet2!F2:CQ8359 that
match in exact order as in $A$2:$A8359 Or if it is not exact order then chec
$B$2:$F8359 otherwise leave it blank ("").
Therefore in sheet1 at G6 this is what I use
Noting that G6 is the center cell of 9 total cells/rows to check (Row G6
then 4 rows before and 4 rows after).
I see the correct results with that formula.
I then creat a Conditional format - 1st highlighting Sheet1 K2:CV8359, then
Format; Conditional Format; entering the =COUNTIF($A$2:$A2,K2) to color
"Green" only those that are in exact order, then add a 2nd condition of
=COUNTIF($B$2:$F2,K2) to color "Yellow" only those that are in concatenation
of exact order (less exact order).
The issue I am having is when I do the conditional format I get some of the
cells that are exact highlight yellow and some of the non exact cells
highlight Green and some of the cells don't highlight at all.
I don't get why it does that nor can I figure out what to do.
I have checked in with websites like
http://www.contextures.com/xlCondFormat03 and also here at communities but
come up short with answers.
I hope to have included enough information for you to savey.
As always I am greatful for your help.
In sheet1 are the key ranges (no range named). A2:A8359 (exact order) and
B2:F8359 (concatenations of exact order - less exact order)
i.e. if A2 = ABC then B2:F2 = ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA repectfully.
I need to display in sheet1 G6:CV8359 any cells in sheet2!F2:CQ8359 that
match in exact order as in $A$2:$A8359 Or if it is not exact order then chec
$B$2:$F8359 otherwise leave it blank ("").
Therefore in sheet1 at G6 this is what I use
Noting that G6 is the center cell of 9 total cells/rows to check (Row G6
then 4 rows before and 4 rows after).
I see the correct results with that formula.
I then creat a Conditional format - 1st highlighting Sheet1 K2:CV8359, then
Format; Conditional Format; entering the =COUNTIF($A$2:$A2,K2) to color
"Green" only those that are in exact order, then add a 2nd condition of
=COUNTIF($B$2:$F2,K2) to color "Yellow" only those that are in concatenation
of exact order (less exact order).
The issue I am having is when I do the conditional format I get some of the
cells that are exact highlight yellow and some of the non exact cells
highlight Green and some of the cells don't highlight at all.
I don't get why it does that nor can I figure out what to do.
I have checked in with websites like
http://www.contextures.com/xlCondFormat03 and also here at communities but
come up short with answers.
I hope to have included enough information for you to savey.
As always I am greatful for your help.