Won't allow row to break across pages




I'm trying to fix someone elses document - the 'allow row to break across
pages' option is greyed out - any idea how I can get this back? Also, text at
the bottom of a page runs over the page size so can't be seen - I've altered
the indents etc but this hasn't helped.

I was wondering if there was a way of fitting the row to one page, and this
is why? And if so, how to get it off! Cheers!


Firstly I would check that the table is not "floating". Go to Table
Properties, ensure that Alignment is Left and Text Wrapping is none.
Once the table is back in line with the text all the options should be
active and the table will extend over the one page so the missing text will
Hope this helps


Hi - had already done that, have also tried taking off all options that had
set minimum row heights/cell sizes etc. I've checked the pagination and page
breaks and 'keep with next'. I'm stumped!


What version of Word are you using?
If 2007, try the following:
Go to Format | Columns and click on the preset picture for One (even if it
already appears to be selected), then OK.

If not using 2007, how complicated is the table? Is could be that the table
has corrupted somehow.
You could try converting the table back to text (with tab separators), then
convert the text back to a table.

All the best. Come back with the outcome.


Check the font effects as well. My table had the text in the 1st column
printing at 90 degrees. When I set it back to normal, i.e. horizontal, the
problem went away.


Just having the exact problem with "allow row to break across pages" greyed
out. Having text in one of the columns set at 90 degrees is most likely
causing this.

Only trouble is I can't have 90 degree text as a labelling/sub-category
column AND have the columns next to them breaking across pages.

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