anyone have any suggestions or direction on how to fill shapes with a wood
grain finish? Trying to do wall evelations of millwork cabinets and can't
get the rigth "look". Even tried purchasing the addon from visiofills.com -
can't adjust the wood color and most of the wood is for wood flooring - i.e.
planks, so obviously not what I'm looking for. Ideally, its the grain fill
pattern that I'm looking for.
grain finish? Trying to do wall evelations of millwork cabinets and can't
get the rigth "look". Even tried purchasing the addon from visiofills.com -
can't adjust the wood color and most of the wood is for wood flooring - i.e.
planks, so obviously not what I'm looking for. Ideally, its the grain fill
pattern that I'm looking for.