Woord 2003 and style or headings



Hello everyone,

Hope someone can help me with this. I am wondering if there is a way t
quickly search for a style or heading in a document as opposed to goin
through the entire document to verify that the headings and styles ar

My problem is that I'm writing a training manual and have applie
certain headings and styles however as I proof read (hundreds of times
I notice some styles and headings are not where they should be. Sooooo
What ends up happenning is I correct the style/heading and then have t
Re-Gen the table of contents throwing everything off. Then I have to g
through the entire doc again to space everything out as it should be.
am a noob by Word Standards but if anyone can help that would b

Cheers and Thanks :

Greg Maxey


You can browse by Heading by clicking the little radio button at the bottom
of the vertical scrool bar and choose browse by heading.

You and use Edit>Find or Edit>Replace>More>Format>Style to search for any
named style.

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