I've had Office '04 for over a year now, and it's always been quite
stable. But, today it's crashed 4 times. I don't know exactly what I
was doing each time it crashed, but it's possible I was in the process
of cutting/pasting text. I don't think I've been doing anything
different today, or running any different programs than usual...I know
that's not much to go on, but I don't even begin to know where to look
for the problem
Any suggestions or ideas???
(iBook G4 w/ OS 10.4.3/ Word v. 11.2)
stable. But, today it's crashed 4 times. I don't know exactly what I
was doing each time it crashed, but it's possible I was in the process
of cutting/pasting text. I don't think I've been doing anything
different today, or running any different programs than usual...I know
that's not much to go on, but I don't even begin to know where to look
for the problem
Any suggestions or ideas???
(iBook G4 w/ OS 10.4.3/ Word v. 11.2)