Hi J.,
In Word 2003, linking via Insert=>Object adds a bit of baggage that using Insert=>Picture=>From File and then using [Insert|Link]
does not.
Linking to a 'Package' in either version gives you what you saw, an icon that can be 'activated' by double clicking it, but not the
actual item, it's 'packaged' for travel rather than for display.
In Word 2007 Insert=>Picture is the equivalentto Word 2003's
Insert=>Picture from File.
To update linked pictures in Word 2007 there are a several methods, similar to Word 2003, but some are in different locations. You
can still select the picture and use F9 to update a linked picture you've made changes to, or you can use Office
Button=>Prepare=>Edit Links. The Edit Links choice only appears if there are linked pictures in the document.
Office 2007 uses a new graphic engine and has some features that are better and a few became a bit more odd in Word.
Hope you are around to see this, I'm 45 days late..
I don't know about it working and then not working, but inserting
(specifically linking a drawing, photo, or picture) does not appear to work
correctly. In word 2003 I have no problem linking a .bmp or .jpg in a
document. One inserts the picture and makes sure that the "link" checkbox is
checked and in pops the picture clear as day. In Word 2007. I beat my head
against the screen trying to make it work. I tried linking a package and
that doesn't work, you just get a box with the filename in it, no picture
though. The only thing I've found so far is to Insert->Picture, selest the
picture, look down in the right bottom for the insert button, click the drop
down button and select "link" not "insert" and not "insert and link". You
will get a picture as you would expect. For the picture to update with any
changes made to the external file, you have to exit the file and then reopen
it, unlike in 2003 in which you right click the image and select "update".
If there is something else that works, I don't know what it is. As it is,
this seems a big step backwards from 2003. <<
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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