word 2000 application error when opening wordperfect document 6.x


Chad B.

I have a user who receives an application error whenever he opens a
wordperfect document. The error tends to vary depending on how he
opens the wpd file (sometimes it includes a vb error), but the result
is always a word crash. I have researched and tried everything I know
to fix the problem, but nothing has worked so far. Here's what I've
found so far:

- the problem is profile specific (this on win2k pro sp3) in that it
does not affect any other profile on the machine
- it only affects wordperfect documents that word identifies as
"wordperfect 6.x"
- the problem is not related to user rights (user has local restricted
user rights which I temporarily changed to administrator but it did not

Here's what I've tried so far (unsuccessfully) to fix the problem

- recreated the user's profile from scratch. This actually fixed the
problem temporarily, but it resurfaced after a few weeks.
- ran "winword /a" from start>run
- deleted the HKCU\software\microsoft\office key, then started word to
allow it to rebuild the registry keys from scratch for the user's
- pulled out all word startup macros incuding normal.dot

I'd reghost the computer, but I'm afraid the problem will resurface
just like it did after I created a new profile for the user. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.


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