Word 2000 - convert text box to 'ordinary' text

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Hi all

Does anyone know how to convert text in a text box into ordinary free
flowing text?

I have an elearning application that generates a Word document from the
slides and instructions, but instead of creating a free flowing document
that's easy to edit, it puts each piece of text in its own separate text

Which is a real pain to format.

Is there any easy way to convert this?

Thanks :)

PS - crossposted to m.p.w.newusers and m.p.w.programming in case there's
a macro that'll do this :)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can convert the text box to a frame and then remove the frame. Unless
the frame is part of the paragraph formatting (which in this instance it
clearly won't be), you can remove it by selecting the text and pressing
Ctrl+Q. Convert the text box using the Convert to Frame... button on the
Text Box tab of the Format Text Box dialog.

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