Word 2000 crashes while spell-checking


Axel Voigt

Word 2000 crashes when spell-checking documents which contain passages that
Word identifies as Italian. Problem is exactly as described in
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/889398/en-us . Got the hotfix and applied it
but it does not seem to change anything, crashes are still ocurring.

We have Office 2000 Premium on Windows XP, with all Servicepacks and Patches.
The problem does not occur with Office 2000 Premium on Windows 2000.

Application log entries:
Application Error, Fehlgeschlagene Anwendung winword.exe, Version, fehlgeschlagenes Modul mssp3it.dll, Version,
Fehleradresse 0x0004200d.
Fehlgeschlagene Anwendung winword.exe, Version, fehlgeschlagenes
Modul msgrit32.dll, Version, Fehleradresse 0x00052645.

Workaround could be not using the spell checking or to declare the texts as
not Italian, but both cannot be applied here, as there are many old documents
and the spell checking ist necessary here (school)

Anybody got an idea?

Thanks a lot,

Axel Voigt, Bremen, Germany

Axel Voigt

got it!

just reinstalled the Office Tools resp. Italian correcting tools via Office
Setup. The respective DLLs of Photodraw seemed to be corrupt, now those of
the actual Office are installed again.


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