Word 2000 Cursor Disappears - Citrix Metaframe environment

  • Thread starter Citigate Cunningham Helpdesk
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Citigate Cunningham Helpdesk


Office 2000 Pro - Citrix XP Metafram Win2000 server w/4GB ram

We have some users that will be typing in Word - then all of a sudden their
cursor disappears - since they are "editors" it really impacts production
when they are doing large documents.

Anything to do with the Normal.dot?

Please advise.

Thank you.
Citigate Cunningham Helpdesk

Shauna Kelly

Hi Citigate

I suspect Citrix Metaframe. I work in one office with much the same setup
you describe, and I experience the same problem. My cursor disappears
occasionally, and it can be very annoying. Try View > Zoom and press Enter.
Does that fix it? If so, keyboard users will learn Alt-v z [Enter] very

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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