Word 2000 Document Misformatted in Word 2002/2003


Charles Law

I have a document saved in Word 2000. When I open it in Word 2002, and
latterly Word 2003, I get all sorts of formatting inconsistencies.

The original document has a style "Para Text", which appears in Word 2003 as
"Para Text + Black".

At the end of a particular page there is a paragraph formatted as "Para
Text", whilst the next paragraph is formatted as "Heading 2". When I open
this in Word 2003 the first paragraph appears as "Heading 2 + Black", and
has an outline number associated with it. The next paragraph is also
formatted as "Heading 2 + Black", but has no outline number.

Can anyone tell me what is going on? The compatibility option of the
original document is set to Word 97. I am running this under Windows XP Pro.

Any suggestion welcome.



Charles Law

Further information: the two paragraphs appear to be getting run into one,
separated by an ASCII 12 (Ctrl+L) character. I imagine the Ctrl+L should be
the paragraph mark, but for some reason it is misinterpreted.

Does this help?



Several of our word users have the same problem, the format change when a
document made in word97 is loaded in word xp.

Header and footer dissappear, the page counter start several pages further
to count, on the previous pages you will not find a page counter at all.

The format of the last entry in the index is lost and set to the documents

I didn't found a solution till now, if anyone has, pleae share it.

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