Word 2000, DocumentBeforeClose event only firing once...




In .NET I create an instance of the Word.Application class, open a document,
then add a DocumentBeforeClose event handler using the word COM object. I do
this twice because I want to open 2 documents. I close one document and the
DocumentBeforeClose event fires. I then close the second document and the
event does not fire. Is this a bug? Workaround?




I have accidentaly found a solution. My original code that created a
Word.Application class instance looked like this:

private Word.ApplicationClass GetWordInstance() {
Word.ApplicationClass wa = new Word.ApplicationClass();

return wa;


I found if I changed my code so I kept a handle on the instance like so:

private Word.ApplicationClass myWa;

private Word.ApplicationClass GetWordInstance() {

Word.ApplicationClass wa = new Word.ApplicationClass();

myWa = wa;

return myWa;


then the event gets fired the second time. In theory, these should be doing
exactly the same thing. If anyone could shed some light on why this works I
would really appreciate it.




I have since found that the below is not true and it still fires
inconsistently. What I am now trying to do is add the event listener to word
itself (using VBA) and have this VBA code call a method on an instance of a
class in my .NET application. The problem is that I need to pass this object
instance to word, and then have word call a method on it. I know how to call
..NET methods from word, but I am having trouble working out how to pass an
object to word. If anyone can help that would be great.



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