"WINWORD caused an invalid page fault in
module MSO9.DLL at" that's what I get on the pop up, and
Word won't open. All other programs in the W2000 suite
work fine. I have tried all previously posted avenues of
relief with no results including,completely removing, and
reinstalling with all the necessary upgrade service
packages, and still nothing. This program has been
working fine for more than 2 years, and now ???
module MSO9.DLL at" that's what I get on the pop up, and
Word won't open. All other programs in the W2000 suite
work fine. I have tried all previously posted avenues of
relief with no results including,completely removing, and
reinstalling with all the necessary upgrade service
packages, and still nothing. This program has been
working fine for more than 2 years, and now ???