Word 2000 files opening inacurately in Word 2003


Tablet Convert

Opened a Word 2000 file (w/ graphics in header and illust of file). File that
was viewable was totally inconsistent w/ way in which file had been last
saved in Word 2000. Though most of the 'properties' were the same, file
viewable in Word 2003 was 15 pages, rather than the eight pages it should
have been (though the word count in properties was, mysteriously, the same).
The headers were different, parts of older data that had once been part of
this file, years ago were included, half-pieces of illustrations that no
longer were part of the file were included as well, and the order of info was
all wrong. Had all 'track changes' disabled too, so that no history of author
alterations were visible. When opening same file in Word 97-2000 Viewer
subsequently installed, all was fine. Need though to work w/ file in 2003.
Can of course copy and paste after opening it in Viewer, but that seems
ludicrous. Bottom line is that, due to this, I can no longer trust that any
Word- 2000 authored file, when opened in 2003, is showing the EXACT final
version of how the former file had been last saved? Any explanations and
advice re: this? My computer mfg support line, investigating this issue for
me (Word 2003 was part of an Office 2003 preinstalled OEM) said that it's a
known problem w/ out any adequate resolution other than previewing files in
Word 20000 viewer and then cutting and pasting! This is hard to swallow.
Help? Thanks!

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?VGFibGV0IENvbnZlcnQ=?=,

I've never seen what you describe, but in theory it is possible if the internal
file structures were damaged. Especially if you'd ever used the "Versions"
feature with the file or had "Allow fast saves" option activated.

It's also unclear what you mean by the "Track changes" *not being visible*. Do
the documents contain tracked changes?
Opened a Word 2000 file (w/ graphics in header and illust of file). File that
was viewable was totally inconsistent w/ way in which file had been last
saved in Word 2000. Though most of the 'properties' were the same, file
viewable in Word 2003 was 15 pages, rather than the eight pages it should
have been (though the word count in properties was, mysteriously, the same).
The headers were different, parts of older data that had once been part of
this file, years ago were included, half-pieces of illustrations that no
longer were part of the file were included as well, and the order of info was
all wrong. Had all 'track changes' disabled too, so that no history of author
alterations were visible. When opening same file in Word 97-2000 Viewer
subsequently installed, all was fine. Need though to work w/ file in 2003.
Can of course copy and paste after opening it in Viewer, but that seems
ludicrous. Bottom line is that, due to this, I can no longer trust that any
Word- 2000 authored file, when opened in 2003, is showing the EXACT final
version of how the former file had been last saved? Any explanations and
advice re: this? My computer mfg support line, investigating this issue for
me (Word 2003 was part of an Office 2003 preinstalled OEM) said that it's a
known problem w/ out any adequate resolution other than previewing files in
Word 20000 viewer and then cutting and pasting! This is hard to swallow.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

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