Word 2000, how to clear memory in macros??



We print over 5000 documents using a word document, macros in the document
and a word template. The macros in the word document open the template, fill
the bookmarks (read the book mark values from a .dat file), print the
document and then close the document. This is done over 5000 times to
generate 5000 documents with different names, addresses, etc. The word
template has a large bitmap as a backgroud, when we print 5000 documents, the
bitmap and documents print correctly for aproximately 1500 documents, after
that the bitmap is not printed, instead a small x is shown where the bitmap
needs to be printed. Also, some of the characters on the doucument are
corrupted. This only happens when we print large number of documents, if we
print less than 1500 or 1000 documents, there were no problems. I thought
this may be something to do with memory leaks or timing, if anyone has any
suggestions, please let me know either reply to this message or email me at
(e-mail address removed)

Thank you..

Terry Farrell

This was a bug in Word 2000 that - IIRC - was fixed by one of the later
servicepacks. Make sure that you are patched up to date.

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