Please help me diagnose this problem...
I just upgraded from Windows 95 to Windows 2000, in the process going
from Microsoft Office 2000 SP-1 to Microsoft Office 2000 SP-3.
Now, after I do certain things in Word 2000 (pasting using Alt-E-P,
inserting a table, etc.), Word sometimes thinks my Alt key is still
down. I can't type anything in this locked state, because with the
Alt key supposedly down, I end up either inputting commands I don't
want to, or selecting text when I didn't want to.
I've discovered that only pressing the *Right Alt* key releases this
lock, and allows me to continue normally. (Switching to another
application and then back might also do it.)
This Alt locking thing happens about 50% of the time. The same exact
action doesn't always cause this problem when repeated. There is
apparently no "algorithm" to Office 2000, in the sense of a computer
program following a predefined list of steps to reach a reproducible
Meanwhile, in Excel 2000, I selected a column of data and went
Alt-Edit-Find (Alt-E-F). The "Find" dialog box came up, and the
cursor was blinking inside the "Find what" textbox, but the keyboard
was locked and I couldn't type anything. Couldn't do anything except
close the find box. I pointed around and tried Replace and closed
that, and a few minutes later I tried "Alt-Edit-Find" again, and it
worked fine.
Please tell me what you think may be causing these problems. I
appreciate your help very much.
Thank you,
I just upgraded from Windows 95 to Windows 2000, in the process going
from Microsoft Office 2000 SP-1 to Microsoft Office 2000 SP-3.
Now, after I do certain things in Word 2000 (pasting using Alt-E-P,
inserting a table, etc.), Word sometimes thinks my Alt key is still
down. I can't type anything in this locked state, because with the
Alt key supposedly down, I end up either inputting commands I don't
want to, or selecting text when I didn't want to.
I've discovered that only pressing the *Right Alt* key releases this
lock, and allows me to continue normally. (Switching to another
application and then back might also do it.)
This Alt locking thing happens about 50% of the time. The same exact
action doesn't always cause this problem when repeated. There is
apparently no "algorithm" to Office 2000, in the sense of a computer
program following a predefined list of steps to reach a reproducible
Meanwhile, in Excel 2000, I selected a column of data and went
Alt-Edit-Find (Alt-E-F). The "Find" dialog box came up, and the
cursor was blinking inside the "Find what" textbox, but the keyboard
was locked and I couldn't type anything. Couldn't do anything except
close the find box. I pointed around and tried Replace and closed
that, and a few minutes later I tried "Alt-Edit-Find" again, and it
worked fine.
Please tell me what you think may be causing these problems. I
appreciate your help very much.
Thank you,