Word 2000 - It thinks my Left Alt key is down when it isn't.



Please help me diagnose this problem...

I just upgraded from Windows 95 to Windows 2000, in the process going
from Microsoft Office 2000 SP-1 to Microsoft Office 2000 SP-3.

Now, after I do certain things in Word 2000 (pasting using Alt-E-P,
inserting a table, etc.), Word sometimes thinks my Alt key is still
down. I can't type anything in this locked state, because with the
Alt key supposedly down, I end up either inputting commands I don't
want to, or selecting text when I didn't want to.

I've discovered that only pressing the *Right Alt* key releases this
lock, and allows me to continue normally. (Switching to another
application and then back might also do it.)

This Alt locking thing happens about 50% of the time. The same exact
action doesn't always cause this problem when repeated. There is
apparently no "algorithm" to Office 2000, in the sense of a computer
program following a predefined list of steps to reach a reproducible

Meanwhile, in Excel 2000, I selected a column of data and went
Alt-Edit-Find (Alt-E-F). The "Find" dialog box came up, and the
cursor was blinking inside the "Find what" textbox, but the keyboard
was locked and I couldn't type anything. Couldn't do anything except
close the find box. I pointed around and tried Replace and closed
that, and a few minutes later I tried "Alt-Edit-Find" again, and it
worked fine.

Please tell me what you think may be causing these problems. I
appreciate your help very much.

Thank you,

Mike Williams [MVP]

Phil wrote:

If this is happening throughout all applications (including those outside
Office) then you probably have a defective keyboard.

Mike Williams - Office MVP http://www.mvps.org/faq/

Please respond in the same thread on this newsgroup - not by email!
Include details of your application and Windows versions, plus any
service pack updates. Answers may also be found by reading recent
posts, checking the FAQs or searching the relevant Google archive at.
If something doesn't make sense, it could be worse e.g.


If this is happening throughout all applications (including those outside
Office) then you probably have a defective keyboard.

It's not the keyboard! I am using a different keyboard now; same

Are there any settings in Windows 2000 (as opposed to in an Office
app) that could cause this problem/conflict/error? Could something in
Control Panel | Keyboards help me?


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