What are you using as your e-mail client? Whatever it is, you need to
(re-)install it and you probably need to use it at least once before Word is
likely to notice it. If the e-mail option is still not enabled after that,
a. ensure your e-mail client is set up as the default e-mail program
(IE|Tools|Internet Options|Programs)
b. open the WIN.INI file in your Windows directory (probably c:\Windows or
c:\Winnt) using e.g. Notepad. Check for the following lines (which should be
present in /most/ Windows installations but which may need to be different
in some cases, so proceed with caution). If they aren't there, make a backup
copy of your WIN.INI and try copying/pasting them in:
Fax is a different issue though - my guess is that if you do not have your
own fax software you will need to install/enable Windows XP's fax
omponent - have a look in Control Panel and if necessacry, add/remove
programs|Windows components. You may need to click the Mail icon in Control
Panel (if present) and try to add fax functionality to your e-mail profile.
You may then find that you need to be running the full Outlook to be able to
do that or to send faxes. And even then I suspect there could be problems.