Word 2000 Mailmerge - Display Field if two criteria met



Hi All

I can use the IF function for one criteria but is it possible to have two


IF {Criteria1} = x AND {Criteria2} = y THEN Show Field

Any help would be much appreciated.

Peter Jamieson

There are a few possible approaches, e.g. the "obvious" one:

{ IF {Criteria1} = x "{ IF { Criteria2} = y "{ the field you want }" "" }"
"" }

In some cases you may be able to combine the criteria in a useful way, e.g.

{ IF "{Criteria1}{Criteria2 }" = "xy" "{ the field you want }" "" }

(that's a string concatenation, not a multiplication. In that case it
wouldn't be helpful if Criteria1 could be "xy" and Criteria2 could be "",
for example)

Or you can use a number of types of calculation, e.g.

{ IF {={ COMPARE { Criteria1} = x }+{ COMPARE { Criteria2 } = y } } = 2 "{
the field you want }" "" }

{ IF {=AND({ COMPARE { Criteria1} = x },{ COMPARE { Criteria2 } = y }) } = 1
"{ the field you want }" "" }

Peter Jamieson

BTW, each pair of {} needs to be the special fild braces that you can enter
using ctrl-F9. You can't use the ordinary {} keyboard characters.


HI JoePineapples,

Here's another way of approaching the problem, assuming your criteria are mergefields:
{IF{={IF{MERGEFIELD Criteria1}= x 1 0}*{IF{MERGEFIELD Criteria1}= y 1 0}= 1 "True Output" False Output"}
The same technique works with other REF fields, etc., also.

FWIW you can keep expanding this with more expressions like '*{IF{MERGEFIELD Criteria1}= x 1 0}' if necessary. Also,.if you wanted
to convert this to an OR test, you could simply replace the '*' with '+' and change the '= 1' to '> 0'.

Note: The field brace pairs (ie '{ }') for the above example are created via Ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them or copy & paste
them from this message.


Oops! Try:
{IF{={IF{MERGEFIELD Criteria1}= x 1 0}*{IF{MERGEFIELD Criteria1}= y 1 0}}= 1 "True Output" "False Output"}

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

macropod said:
HI JoePineapples,

Here's another way of approaching the problem, assuming your criteria are mergefields:
{IF{={IF{MERGEFIELD Criteria1}= x 1 0}*{IF{MERGEFIELD Criteria1}= y 1 0}= 1 "True Output" False Output"}
The same technique works with other REF fields, etc., also.

FWIW you can keep expanding this with more expressions like '*{IF{MERGEFIELD Criteria1}= x 1 0}' if necessary. Also,.if you wanted
to convert this to an OR test, you could simply replace the '*' with '+' and change the '= 1' to '> 0'.

Note: The field brace pairs (ie '{ }') for the above example are created via Ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them or copy & paste
them from this message.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

JoePineapples said:
Hi All

I can use the IF function for one criteria but is it possible to have two


IF {Criteria1} = x AND {Criteria2} = y THEN Show Field

Any help would be much appreciated.

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