Word 2000 - Outline Numbering



I have a document that needs to numbered as follows:

Chapter I. (Level 1)
A. (Level 2)
1.1. (Level 3)
1. (Level 4)
a. (Level 5)
i. (Level 6)
(a) (Level 7)
(i) (Level 8)
(1) (Level 9)

The numbering should restart after the highest level, except for Level 3
(1.1.). For example, Level 4 would restart numbering after Level 2. I have
created styles (e.g., My Style Heading 1, etc.) to apply this numbering
scheme. Each style is based on Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.

The problem I have is that numbering for Levels 5 and 6 are not continuous,
but restart numbering after the highest level. I uncheck 'restart numbering
after Level x', the level numbering will be continuous throughout the

Any suggestions?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Generally speaking, if you set the numbering at any level to restart after
the next higher level, it will also restart after *any* higher level. Does
that help?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

a.- (Level 5)
Level 5 is set to restart after Level 4, and this is what it's doing. If you
want the a to be b, then you want it *not* to restart.

Level 4 appears to have 1, 2, 3 numbering, so I would expect 5 here.

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