Word 2000-system is dangerously low in resources!



I could use my Word program until today and when I would
try to open a file I got the message: System is danerously
low in resources! Would you like to terminate the
following application? Microsoft Word not responding. To
get our of this I have to restart the computer. In trying
again I get the messages: Msgsrv32 caused a general
protection fault in module USER.EXE@0003:00003bab and
then, Explorer caused invalid page fault in module
USER.EXE@0007:000027C8. At this point the everything is
locked up and I have to turn off the computer. I am
unable to copy my files to a disk because I can't open
anything. Can anyone help?



Plese try this:
1. Close all apps
2. Go to Start--> Run --> type in winword.exe /a (note
there is a space before /a)
3. Click OK
4. Close out of Word
If Word opens correctly follow this:
1. Close all apps
2. Go to Start--> Search (Find in Win 98) --> type in
Normal.dot in the search window, make sure you are
searching your local drive, and hit search (Find now)
3. For each file found right click on the file, go to
Rename and rename it as noprmal1.old, normal2.old and so
on until you rename all the files found
4. Close the search window
5. Try to open Word application the way you normally do.
If Word still does not open follow the steps in the
following KB Article:
URL: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-

Good luck,
Nellie Boyadjieva
Microsoft Support

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