Word 2000 Table Not Splitting Between Pages



A client sends us .doc files that are created in 2002/2003 with large tables.
When viewing the docs in Word 2002 or later the tables split nicely between
the pages. When viewing the docs in Word 2000 it doesn't get split up & runs
off the end of a single page. I found that if I go to Table Properties & set
Text Wrapping to None the table then splits perfectly! Is there any way I
can make that a global default vs changing the setting per document?

Thank you in advance for your time & help!

Lene Fredborg

By default, tables are inserted with text wrapping â€None†but this will not
change the wrapping style applied to existing tables.

You could use a macro to change all tables in a document to wrapping style

Sub AllTabels_NoWrap()
Dim oTable As Table

For Each oTable In ActiveDocument.Tables
oTable.Rows.WrapAroundText = False
Next oTable
End Sub

If you need help on installing a macro, see:

Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word


Thank you for the tip AND the push in the right direction on how to install
the macro. You KNOW that would've been my next question. ;)

Thanks again....!

Lene Fredborg

You are welcome. I am glad I could help.

Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

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