Word 2000 XP



How do I get Word 2000 to display graphics on my computer screen.? I can
scan a document with graphics OK, but I only see white spaces where the
graphics should be on my screen. If I print, the graphics will be printed
OK, but I can not view it on my computer screen , or make any changes for
that matter. Please Help. Thanks. OLGG

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Make sure that "Picture placeholders" is NOT checked on the View tab of
Tools | Options.


Thanks very much for your reply. "Picture Placeholder" is not checked. I

Mary Sauer

Video/graphics driver?

Do this, slide the acceleration down on your adapter, control panel, display
folder, settings tab, advanced button, troubleshoot tab.
If your picture reappears you need to go to the manufacturer's web site and look
around for an updated driver.

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