Haven't thought about checking for viruses...I'll do that today.
The only copies of normal.dot when he ran a search were the ones in the
different users directories (documents and settings>username>application
data>blah blah blah). When I went into his computer to replace the default
template in the Office directory, I found it missing, so I just copied in
the one from my PC, but like I said, that didn't change anything.
I'm afraid I can't check the startup or add-in things you mentioned. He has
no menu bar so I can't access "Tools" or "edit" or "file" or anything like
If I don't find a virus (which I don't expect to), I will probably just
break down and uninstall the whole dang Office program and then reinstall.
Heck, I may just go ahead and install Office XP.
Jeff Foster, MCSA