Word 2002 Autoshape Connectors For Flow Charts


Dermot Hayes

When I want to select (For Example) an "Elbow Arrow"
connector, all the types of arrow connection are "Greyed"
out so I cannot access them. Hope do I make them availble
to me?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

In Word 2002, connectors are available only if you are using the drawing
canvas. Presumably you (like many other Word users) have disabled the
drawing canvas globally (by deselecting the check box on the General tab of
Tools | Options). To use it for a specific drawing, use Insert | Picture |
New Drawing.


Thanks for you help, I wasn't using Insert / Picture /
New Drawing....the canvas check box was checked.
Thanks again

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If the box is checked, you should be getting the drawing canvas (the box
that says Create New Drawing Here or something like that), and connectors
should be enabled.

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