I recently upgraded to Word 2002 from 2000. They've changed the way
setting up Mail Merge docs works and I need some tips.
First, I went in to set up a new Mail Merge Doc. I used the (new)
Letter Wizard, using data from my Access d/b. Unfortunately, when I
was done, I ended up with hardcoded data, not variables, so it was a
"one time" document.
So, my first question, is how I can generate a Mail Merge document
with fields, not data? I don't really need the Wizard, it just used to
be the fastest way to work, they seem to have removed that as a
feature when they dumbed it down into a step by step scenario. Ho hum.
To get around the first problem, I opened up a pre 2002 Word doc in
which I already had fields from the desired Access query. It worked
fine. I needed to add some fields, so I clicked on the "Insert Merge
Field" tool. I was able to insert one of the additional fields, but
then I needed a space (spacebar) before the next field. I had to close
the "Insert Merge Field" tool, hit the spacebar, then click the tool
again, insert the next field, etc. It was even worse when I needed to
enter fields into adjoining table cells.
Again, in the previous version, this was easier to do. Now it seems to
take three times the work with a lot of mouse clicking and travel in
between. Is there some way to Insert Fields and still be able to work
on the document as I used to do with constantly bringing the tool up
and down?
setting up Mail Merge docs works and I need some tips.
First, I went in to set up a new Mail Merge Doc. I used the (new)
Letter Wizard, using data from my Access d/b. Unfortunately, when I
was done, I ended up with hardcoded data, not variables, so it was a
"one time" document.
So, my first question, is how I can generate a Mail Merge document
with fields, not data? I don't really need the Wizard, it just used to
be the fastest way to work, they seem to have removed that as a
feature when they dumbed it down into a step by step scenario. Ho hum.
To get around the first problem, I opened up a pre 2002 Word doc in
which I already had fields from the desired Access query. It worked
fine. I needed to add some fields, so I clicked on the "Insert Merge
Field" tool. I was able to insert one of the additional fields, but
then I needed a space (spacebar) before the next field. I had to close
the "Insert Merge Field" tool, hit the spacebar, then click the tool
again, insert the next field, etc. It was even worse when I needed to
enter fields into adjoining table cells.
Again, in the previous version, this was easier to do. Now it seems to
take three times the work with a lot of mouse clicking and travel in
between. Is there some way to Insert Fields and still be able to work
on the document as I used to do with constantly bringing the tool up
and down?