Word 2002 - Basic Mail Merge Setup



I recently upgraded to Word 2002 from 2000. They've changed the way
setting up Mail Merge docs works and I need some tips.

First, I went in to set up a new Mail Merge Doc. I used the (new)
Letter Wizard, using data from my Access d/b. Unfortunately, when I
was done, I ended up with hardcoded data, not variables, so it was a
"one time" document.

So, my first question, is how I can generate a Mail Merge document
with fields, not data? I don't really need the Wizard, it just used to
be the fastest way to work, they seem to have removed that as a
feature when they dumbed it down into a step by step scenario. Ho hum.

To get around the first problem, I opened up a pre 2002 Word doc in
which I already had fields from the desired Access query. It worked
fine. I needed to add some fields, so I clicked on the "Insert Merge
Field" tool. I was able to insert one of the additional fields, but
then I needed a space (spacebar) before the next field. I had to close
the "Insert Merge Field" tool, hit the spacebar, then click the tool
again, insert the next field, etc. It was even worse when I needed to
enter fields into adjoining table cells.

Again, in the previous version, this was easier to do. Now it seems to
take three times the work with a lot of mouse clicking and travel in
between. Is there some way to Insert Fields and still be able to work
on the document as I used to do with constantly bringing the tool up
and down?


Dawn Crosier, Word MVP

Bob -

Unfortunately, the opening and closing of the Insert Fields dialog box
is a huge gripe of mine as well.

As for how to setup the merge document - I use the Merge Toolbar. You
can find it at Tools, Letters and Mailings, Show Mail Merge Toolbar.
Work from left to right across the icons. You can also use the Mail
Merge Wizard, which will open a task pane and step you through the

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
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I recently upgraded to Word 2002 from 2000. They've changed the way
setting up Mail Merge docs works and I need some tips.

First, I went in to set up a new Mail Merge Doc. I used the (new)
Letter Wizard, using data from my Access d/b. Unfortunately, when I
was done, I ended up with hardcoded data, not variables, so it was a
"one time" document.

So, my first question, is how I can generate a Mail Merge document
with fields, not data? I don't really need the Wizard, it just used to
be the fastest way to work, they seem to have removed that as a
feature when they dumbed it down into a step by step scenario. Ho hum.

To get around the first problem, I opened up a pre 2002 Word doc in
which I already had fields from the desired Access query. It worked
fine. I needed to add some fields, so I clicked on the "Insert Merge
Field" tool. I was able to insert one of the additional fields, but
then I needed a space (spacebar) before the next field. I had to close
the "Insert Merge Field" tool, hit the spacebar, then click the tool
again, insert the next field, etc. It was even worse when I needed to
enter fields into adjoining table cells.

Again, in the previous version, this was easier to do. Now it seems to
take three times the work with a lot of mouse clicking and travel in
between. Is there some way to Insert Fields and still be able to work
on the document as I used to do with constantly bringing the tool up
and down?


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Unfortunately, the opening and closing of the Insert Fields dialog box
is a huge gripe of mine as well.

Thanks. The only solution I have found so far is to insert all the
fields in an unused area then drag and drop them to the proper

You have to wonder how stuff like this gets released.

Peter Jamieson

Once you have enabled the merge toolbar, if you click on the down arrow at
the right hand end of the toolbar, the clcik Add or remove buttons, you
should be able to add "Insert Merge Fields" to your toolbar, which behaves
more or lessthe same as the old merge field insertion function behaved.


See http://www.gmayor.com/mail_merge_labels_with_word_xp.htm which was
aimed at overcoming the differences between the versions.

Thanks - that got me the Insert Merge Field tool, as opposed to the
Insert Merge Fields tool, which is a big help.

The setup step through is also useful. The Wizard was fast for this in
previous versions but the newer dumbed down version is not any fun.
The manual step-by-step approach is now the way to go.

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