Word 2002 Drawing



Everytime I try to insert a text box from the drawing
tool bar a window comes up and says that Word has
encountered a problem and must close. Do you know how I
can fix this problem? Thanks

Graham Mayor

Start Word from the Windows > Start > Run dialog with the command Winword /a
This opens Word in basic mode. If the problem has gone away, rename
normal.dot to oldnormal.dot, remove any add-ins from the Word and Office
start-up folder, delete any orphaned temporary files as indicated at
and reset the registry data key as described at
If you are running Norton AV, turn off the Office Plug-in and if your copy
of Word is part of the Works suite, uninstall the Works add-in.
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
E-mail (e-mail address removed)
Web site www.gmayor.dsl.pipex.com
Word MVP web site www.mvps.org/word
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