Word 2002 Freezes on start up


Lester Warren

I purchased Works Suite 2004 yesterday and installed it on
a system using Windows 2000 Professional operating system.
After installing Work Suite 2004 all programs worked great
except Word 2002. Word 2002 frezes on start up and has to
be shut down using task manager after unsuccessfully
trying to unfreeze it. Well I went to the Micorosoft Q&A
website to find a solution. The solution was a patch that
did not help as well as the microsoft office XP Service
Packs 1 & 2 that was suggested, that did not work either.
This patch was also in service pack 2. As would be
expected I couldn't even send an e-mail to Microsoft
asking for help unless I paid for it. The reason I
purchased Microsoft Suite 2004 was to have the lates
edition of Works and Word. I paid $100.00 for something I
can't use (Word 2002), the main reason I purchased it. It
appears that this problem is an old one since the patch
(which didn't work)for it is over a year old. If there is
no fix for this, I guess I will have to go to Corel Word
Perfect and see if they have a better product. Any help
would be appreciated.


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